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Enterprise Educators Occupational Standards Consultation – Share Your Views

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Over the last ten years a range of initiatives and programmes have been introduced by previous governments in the UK to support the development of enterprise education offerings in schools, colleges and universities, as a way of developing the employability of young people and the skills to start and manage their own business.

This has resulted in a growth of the number of enterprise and entrepreneurship educators, both as specific job roles and as part of existing teaching duties.

However, there has been limited development of any professional standards for enterprise and entrepreneurship educators in schools, colleges or universities, as a way of capturing the knowledge and skills required to develop and deliver an effective enterprise education experience.

Given this context, SFEDI in partnership with Enterprise Educators UK and Skills CFA, have been funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) to develop a set of occupational standards for enterprise and entrepreneurship educators.

These standards will describe what educators need to do, know and understand to develop and deliver enterprise and entrepreneurship education that adds value to the journey of the learner.

Given the current changes within the enterprise and entrepreneurship education landscape, the development partnership is keen to ensure that the standards are fit for purpose and make a positive contribution to the ongoing professional development of enterprise and entrepreneurship educators. Therefore the development partnership would welcome your comments and thoughts on the draft standards.

There are two ways you can submit your views:
* Clicking here (https://eSurv.org?u=eandeeducatornos) and completing the online survey which contains a set of questions around the clarity, consistency and coverage of the standards
* Arranging a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion with a member of the development team

The deadline for responses to the consultation is 18 January 2016.

A copy of the draft standards can be accessed by clicking here (http://tinyurl.com/gn67acr) or the Skills CFA website here (http://www.skillscfa.org/surveys.html) .

For any further information, please contact Leigh Sear or Jo Singh on 01325 468 017 or [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Enterprise%20Educators%20Consultation) / [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Enterprise%20Educators%20Consultation)

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